Tan Rabbit: Appearance, Lifespan, Temperament, Care Sheet

Tan rabbits are a beautiful and fancy breed from the United Kingdom. This breed is one of the newest recognized in the ARBA. What makes it popular is its well-balanced and full-arched shape body with unique markings and color combinations.

Offspring of tan rabbits are generally friendly and can quickly adapt to being a pet rabbit. But they are quite active and do not suit everyone who wants to have a pet rabbit. That’s why we share this guide to caring for and maintaining a tan rabbit.

Breed Overview of Tan Rabbit

Origin United Kingdom
Size Medium
Weight 5 lbs to 7 lbs (2.3 kg to 3.2 kg)
Lifespan 5 to 8 years
Temperament Friendly, active, and playful
Color Pattern Tan (Agouti pattern)
Body Type Compact and rounded
Fur Type Short and dense
Ears Upright
Eye Color Brown
Purpose Exhibition and/or companion

The tan rabbit was a breed developed in Derbyshire, United Kingdom. It is a mixture between domestic Dutch and wild European rabbits. Further selective breeding of Belgian Hare was introduced to the program to enhance the tan color. This further blended the genetics and established the Tan breed as it is today.

The American Rabbit Breeder’s Association has recognized Tan Rabbit as the Best in Show. Until today, Tan rabbits are still popular with breeders and rabbit owners. It is even given the title of the “Aristocrat of Fancy” as this rabbit breed is a regular show winner.

Appearance and Varieties

Tan Rabbit Appearance and Varieties

Tan rabbits have fully arched bodies. Its arch begins at its nape, all the way to its shoulders, midsection, hips, and bottom. How their ears look straight and always stand tall makes them look alert and smart.

You can observe that Tan rabbits have a dominant agouti pattern. Its tan (red-orange) color is dominant, while its recessive self-alleles colors are on top. Its recessive coat has 4 varieties: black, blue, chocolate, and lilac colors.

The dark coat is dominant on their head, sides, and back. Meanwhile, its unique tan markings are found around its nostrils, eyes, ears, and underside of its chest, tummy, and tail.

So, if you are fond of breeding Tan rabbits, know that you are working with a prestigious breed. Every kit has the same color as their parents, so when they mature, they become show-worthy.

Behavior and Temperament

Tan rabbits are intelligent, energetic, friendly, and sweet.

Rabbit owners that aim to have a show-worthy rabbit want to teach their fur buddies some tricks. Tan rabbits could be your best bet as they are teachable with tricks. They are responsive and can learn tricks using food and treats. You can teach them as simple as to come when called.

This rabbit breed is full of energy, so that might be challenging for young kids and seniors. Tan rabbits are not suitable for them. It is more suitable for rabbit owners that have more experience with active rabbits.

It is friendly and sweet, but only under some conditions Tan rabbits are only affectionate if you pet and socialize with them often in their early days.

Tan rabbits love to play by themselves and chew on things. Remember to keep all wires and cables out of reach! These are health hazards to your precious tan rabbits.

Comparable Breed

Tan Rabbit Comparable Breed

Tan rabbits are comparable to Harlequin rabbits and Thrianta rabbits.

Tan and Harlequin are similar in their patterned color markings. But Harlequin weighs more than Tan rabbits and has a commercial body shape. Yet, both rabbits have similar temperaments.

Meanwhile, Tan and Thrianta rabbits are similar in their muscular and agile body shape. Both rabbits may be curious, docile, and sweet. But Thrianta rabbits are gentle, quite the opposite of how energetic Tan rabbits are. So, they recommend Thrianta to seniors who want a rabbit companion.

Cost and Availability

Tan Rabbit Cost and Availability

Tan rabbits are usually offered around 50 USD to 100 USD. If you want to prepare for and know other expenses, vaccinations may be costly. You also have to allocate 25 USD monthly for its needs and consumption.

You may purchase a tan rabbit from a retailer or breeder. Its price may vary if you want it for a show or as a pet. You can expect price changes depending on coat quality, size, color combination, gender, and appearance.

Tan rabbit is a unique breed. It is essential to look for them from reliable breeders. Go for one that breeds healthy Tan rabbits to ensure no genetic disorders.

Health and Common Issues of Tan Rabbits

Cost and Availability

Tan rabbits are healthy breeds. With its extensive breeding program designed for show rabbits, Tan rabbits do not have specific-breed diseases.

But, Tan rabbits are not immune to pests and common rabbit diseases. Pests such as fleas, ticks, and mites are natural and easily found in their environment. Meanwhile, common rabbit diseases may be due to a lack of vaccinations. So, bring your rabbits as early as possible to the vet for tests and vaccinations.

Hence, knowing how to care for Tan rabbits and monitor their health is essential.

How to Take Care of Tan Rabbits

Tan rabbits have lived in the grassy undergrowth, rain, and wind from England. They can tolerate cold more than heat.

Ideal Housing and Habitat

Ideal Housing and Habitat

Tan rabbits need a large-sized cage or hutch as they are highly energetic. They need to have a large space to hop around.

Although some suggest 3 square feet is enough, the minimum size of their housing should be 12 square feet. Create this cage with a wire, a strong frame, and a removable bottom to easily clean their droppings. Place soft bedding in their hutch to give them a comfortable sleep.

It would be best to lock their cage in their early days to teach them their space. But do not cage them forever. You have to give them a run-around time outdoors to use their energy.

Remove their litter shavings at least twice weekly and clean out their droppings daily.

If you are taking care of newborn Tan rabbits, prepare a separate cage for them. Litters are born deaf, blind, and naked. A smaller enclosure with a lamp to make them warm, dry, and safe will help their bodies adapt.

Diet and Nutrition Tan Rabbit Needs

Diet and Nutrition Tan Rabbit Needs

It is noted that every rabbit’s diet should have 80% good-quality hay, 15% green leafy vegetables, and 5% treats or pellets.

Feed your tan rabbits in the morning, as they are mostly asleep in the evenings. Do not forget to research rabbit-friendly treats. If you plan to give fruits as treats, check if they are rabbit-friendly. Not all fruits and vegetables are good for your rabbits.

Well-fed rabbits may weigh around 5 lbs to 7 lbs (2.3 kg to 3.2 kg). Make sure to give only organic fruits and vegetables; produce with pesticides and herbicides may cause a health problem.

Place unlimited fresh water in their cage. You can have an inverted water bottle with a spout for a spill-proof way to keep your rabbits hydrated. Water is essential to your rabbit as they are prone to having sensitive digestive tracts.

Grooming and Hygiene

Grooming and Hygiene

Tan rabbits have short furs but may have different types of coats. But whichever their coat, you to groom them regularly. You must use a sturdy brush. You must use a sturdy brush. This keeps its fur shiny, clean, and free from fur infestations common in rabbits.

In its molting period, you have to do grooming more frequently. It prevents wool matting and helps remove their old fur to accommodate the new ones.

Bathing your tan rabbits is a no-no. Do not bathe them even when dirty, as this will cause stress. Use a clean damp towel and simply wipe them to remove the dirt. Grab a dry towel to parch their fur off.

Remember to cut your tan rabbit’s nails monthly. Long nails can be uncomfortable for them. You do not want to have scratches while playing with them.

Besides their nails, you need to check their teeth. Rabbit teeth grow continuously and may pierce their mouth and gums. You must ensure they do not overgrow, as this causes too much pain and discomfort. Offer them hay or toys that help them grind their teeth naturally.

Monitoring your tan rabbit’s health and hygiene will save you from expensive vet bills.

Exercise and Playtime

Tan rabbits have a lively and energetic personality. You need to give them regular play to exercise their mind and body. But every rabbit has preferences. Determine the toys or type of play they want; these can be cardboard boxes, rope toys, or playtime with you.

Are Tan Rabbits Suitable Under Your Care?

Rabbits, after cats and dogs, are considered the third most popular choice for domestic pets. After reading this comprehensive guide, we hope you find that tan rabbits are suitable for your care.

Tan rabbits are unique breeds with their dark color and tan markings. They are now show rabbits or companion rabbits. Its appealing color combination and full-arched body type make them excellent for shows. Meanwhile, their sweet and energetic temperament makes them good pets for families.

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